Health & Safety Auditing Solution
Health & Safety Auditing Solution Technology: Power Apps Handles the 'actionable' side, creating audits, creating action-items for audits, completing audits, actioning tasks, extending tasks, completing tasks. Power Automate Handles the automation of creating Actionable tasks from Audit tasks, task creation emails, task reminders, task escalation for overdue items, upcoming audit reminders, setting of overall audit risk, checking for overdue tasks Power BI Handles the data reporting side, based on the information created by Power Apps and Power Automate, and allows users to filter and then export the item to send to managers or directors. Introduction: Every company has some kind of health and safety audit process, and a large number of ours are for physical sites. The audits cover a large number of topics and were between 15 and 40 printed pages each. The goal was not only to recreate these forms di...