Integrating page in model driven app

Integrating page in model driven app 


Overview of custom pages for model-driven apps 

  • The custom page is a page type within a model-driven app, which collaborates canvas apps into model-driven apps. Custom pages increase the scope of model-driven and canvas apps and can be used to add full pages, dialogs, or panes with the flexibility of the canvas designer and all the features available within canvas app development. It also includes a low-code experience with expressions and custom Power Apps component framework controls which results in impressive User Interface. 
  • This new page is more flexible than form, view, or dashboard page in the model-driven app. It lets you include multiple tables. Then, we can define the data and component functions. The custom page is an element, which allows one maker to edit one custom page at a time. Like other model-driven app pages, the page state is either from the parameters passed or retrieved from existing tables. 


Custom pages are different than embedded canvas apps 

  • A custom page permits the creation of a fresh page experience using the features of the canvas app. With more adaptable layouts, greater control over stylistic options, the capacity to integrate connector data, employ expressions, and other features, this offers a low-code authoring experience. With increased context of the model-driven app that the page runs in, custom pages are created in the canvas app designer. 
  • In addition to using the canvas features, embedded canvas apps do so through a hosting method that is less integrated than a custom page. The current restriction on the number of embedded canvas apps hasn't changed despite the easier integration of an embedded canvas app. These restrictions are addressed by the custom page's advanced integration. The embedded canvas app functions as a low-code component and can only be used with model-driven forms. 


Content migration from standalone canvas apps to custom pages 

 The expected app structure is different, and standalone canvas apps that are already in existence are not supported for use as custom pages. Many screens with global access to all controls and variables are common in standalone canvas apps. To provide performance and co-development capabilities, the custom page is anticipated to typically be a single screen with loose coupling. 


To migrate an existing standalone canvas app, first determine how the screens will be mapped to different custom pages. Complete the following steps for each distinct custom page: 

  • From the model-driven app designer, create a new blank custom page. 
  • For the data used by the screen, add a canvas app data source. 
  • In the canvas designer, duplicate the screen from the original canvas app. 
  • Paste the screen into the canvas designer's empty custom page. 
  • Replace the screen name with the custom page name in the navigate calls. 
  • The model-driven app designer site map should now include the customized page. 

Examples of custom pages 

The model-driven app's custom page is displayed below. The images in the model-driven app fill the entire page without a header or navigation. 



  • Custom pages must be created from a solution using New > Page in the Power Apps Solution area or the modern app designer. 
  • Your model-driven app should include a customized page. 
  • Use a contemporary app designer to create or modify a model-driven app. 
  • To add a custom page to a model-driven app, you must first open the new modern app designer, which is demonstrated in the steps that follow. 
  • Using a modern app designer, create a new model-driven application. 
  • Access Power Apps 
  • Open or create a solution to house the new model-driven app by choosing Solutions from the left navigation pane. 
  • Select Model-driven app under New > App. 
  • Select Use the contemporary app designer, then choose Next. 



            Enter the app's Name, Description, and then select Create. 



Use a current app designer to launch an existing model-driven app. 

  • Navigate to 
  • Open the solution containing the model-driven app by choosing Solutions from the left navigation pane. 
  • To open the current app designer, visit the model-driven app menu and choose Edit. 
  • Make or change a custom page. 
  • Two methods for the creation of custom pages. First, when creating a model-driven app in a current app designer. The other comes from Power Apps' Solutions section.
  • Custom pages on can be modified from the Solutions area, but they won't show up in the Home or Apps sections. 
  • Create New custom page from a modern app designer 
  • Launch the modern app creator. 
  • On the Pages pane or the command bar, select New page. 

App designer create new page

  • Select Custom as type. 

New page select custom page


  • The canvas app designer opens for page authoring. 

Canvas designer new page 


  • To return to the model-driven app designer after designing your custom canvas app page, save, publish, and then exit the canvas app designer browser tab. 
  • From the solutions area, create a new custom page.  
  • Login with Power Apps  
  • Open or create a solution to include the new custom page by selecting Solutions from the left navigation pane. 
  • Choose New > App > Page. 


Solutions area create new page

  • Edit an existing custom page Open  
  • Open or build a solution that contains the new custom page by selecting Solutions from the left navigation pane. 
  • Select Edit after choosing the custom page with the Page type. 


Solutions area new page

  • Edit custom page content 
  • Create the unique page content as per requirements 
  • Save the custom page and Publish 
  • Close the canvas app designer. 
  • Refresh the model driven app designer and let it update all changes. 


Dismiss creating your page prompt

  • To incorporate the modified custom page into the model-driven app, select Publish in the app designer. 
  • To play the app in a new browser tab, select Preview. 
  • Include a site map link to an existing custom page. 
  • Login on 
  • Use a current app designer to launch an existing model-driven app. 
  • Choosing the Navigation tab. 


App Designer navigation pane

  • Expand the navigation, and then select the site location for the page. 
  • Select Add > Subarea to add a new item . 


App Designer app subarea

  • In the property pane on right, select an existing Page from the list, and then enter the Title. 

App Designer subarea select existing page

  • Select Publish, which also saves the program if it has been modified. 
  • To run the app in a new browser tab, click Play. 
  • To exit the app designer, press the Back button and return to the solution. 
  • Creating a custom page 
  • After saving modifications to a custom page in the canvas designer, the canvas designer must first publish the custom page. Then, all model-driven apps that use that custom page must be published. 
  • Choose canvas designer. Publish 
  • Select Publish from the app designer or solution explorer for each model-driven app that references the custom page. 

  • Integrate a canvas app into a model-driven form. 


  • Canvas apps allow developers to simply design and construct custom layouts with the help of a low-code, WYSIWYG canvas app designer.
  • Canvas apps also allow developers to connect to and show data from over 400 different data sources. 
  • How can canvas apps help you design better solutions? 
  • Makers may incorporate the capabilities of canvas apps to their model-driven forms by embedding them.
  • Using embedded canvas apps, you can create rich visual areas on a form and display data from a variety of sources with Microsoft Dataverse data. 


Embedded canvas app in a model-driven app form.


  • Canvas apps, like other custom controls, can be integrated in model-driven forms. An embedded canvas app provides powerful data integration capabilities that allow it to get contextual data from the host model-driven form. 
  • Using the modern app designer to integrate canvas apps, 
  • Canvas apps can be accessible via a model-driven app via a custom page created with the new app designer. 
  • The concept of pages, which can contain either canvas apps or Dataverse components, was introduced by the modern app designer. 
  • Embedding with the classical designer (current) 
  • Embed canvas apps from an environment into a model-driven app that can be dynamically aware or simply render the app within the model-driven experience. 
  • Canvas apps associated with sharing 
  • To share an embedded canvas app with other users after you've added one to your model-driven form. 


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